The Schedule

Day 1

November 6, 2020

9:00 - 9:30

Kickoff for IHMEC's Virtual College Leadership Summit 2020

Jessica Hulten, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center

9:30 - 10:30

Opening Keynote Speaker

Clint Smith

10:40 - 11:40

How to Be an Antiracist When Organizing for Change

Venoncia Bate-Ambrus and Amy Omi, Dominican University

Session Description

In his book, How to Be an Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi covers three major steps to becoming antiracist: “1. Learn what racism is and how it evolved; 2. Become aware of subtle racist ideas you might have been unknowingly supporting and weaken them; 3. Start supporting antiracist rather than racist policies.” Many of us, recognizing racial inequity and injustice in our communities, feel called to join in social movements for change. However, this impulse to rally for justice requires an on-going commitment to self-reflection, dialogue across difference, and shared community discernment. In order to organize for social change, we must first confront our own socialization around racist, hetero-normative, ablest ideas, etc. Secondly, from a place of humility and mutuality, we must listen to the needs of the community in order to develop genuine partnerships from which to catalyze actionable and lasting change. This opening session will examine the Antiracist Framework as developed by Kendi and provide participants with opportunities for self-reflection and group dialogue.

11:45 - 12:45

Achieving Liberation on Campus and Beyond Academia

Ahriel La'Shawn Fuller and Stephanie Zavala

Session Description

Ahri and Stephanie share stories and inspirations from their experience as activists and community organizers. They recognize that Colleges and Universities often set the stage for social justice because they themselves were introduced to activism through coursework and student engagement initiatives during their time as Undergraduates. Their studies lent insight into how to analyze the society we live in. But academic study isn't enough. We also have to think about what achieving liberation outside of academia looks like. Ahri and Stephanie will share what they've learned on the ground, and in their current careers. Participants in this session will learn what it means to do assessment by listening to the needs of the community, how to effectively utilize social media, explore vulnerability & honesty, and apologetically engage with a wide network of friends and family. This session asks current College and University students to consider this question: is it possible to collectively imagine and work towards a liberated world?

12:45 - 1:45

Optional Student Networking Event

Day 2

November 7, 2020

9:00 - 9:15

Welcome to Day 2

Jessica Hulten, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center

9:15- 10:15

You Cannot Pour from an Empty Cup: Integrating Radical Self-Care as an Advocate and Activist

Jennifer Duffield, Assistant Dean of Students, Elmhurst University

Session Description

Engaging in activism and social justice work is necessary to challenge systemic inequities on local, national, and global scales. It is deeply meaningful and difficult work into which we often bring and notice our energy, emotions, and traumas. In this session, participants will explore why engaging in healing self-care practices is important, review tools and tips for integrating radical self-care into their lives, and identify what those practices can look like for themselves by developing a personal action plan.

10:25 -11:25

Keynote Speakers:

Panel Discussion with the Immigration Law Society

Immigration Law Society Members

Session Description

Each year, 12 students from the The Chicago-Kent Law School Immigration Law Society travels to the largest detention center in the U.S., exclusively for detaining women and children seeking asylum in the United States. At Dilley, TX, students work directly with women and children who are seeking asylum by helping them to prepare for their credible fear interviews and accompanying them to their interview with asylum officers or before immigration judges. After Dilley, students are often left with second-hand trauma as well as a transformative experience.

In this session, four former and current members of the Immigration Law Society will come together for a thought-provoking discussion on their experiences at Dilly, TX, and the importance of their advocacy work helping women and children seeking asylum in the U.S.

Panelists include:

Carolina Solano: Chicago-Kent Alum, Class of 2019

Sebastian Wright Garcia: Currently a 3L at Chicago-Kent, President of the Immigration Law Society, Vice President External of the Hispanic Latino Law Student Association, and Executive Article Editor for Law Review.

Melissa Garcia: Currently a 3L at Chicago-Kent, and Dilley Trip Coordinator for the Immigration Law Society

Debora Medina: Currently a 3L at Chicago-Kent, and Evening Vice-President of the Student Bar Association

Moderator: Tatiana Alonso: Chicago-Kent Alum, Class of 2020

11:35 - 12:45

Where Do We Go From Here? Next Steps for Being an Upstander

Panel Discussion with Summit Speakers

Session Description

Join a moderated panel with the facilitators of the Summit to discuss what are our next steps for becoming an Upstander in society. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions on how to use the tools they learned throughout the past two-days and how they can take action to fight injustice in their communities, nation, or world.

12:45 - 1:00

Closing Remarks